Number System


    Number System is a term used to represent a set of numbers and stumbles to represent the numeric value.

e.g. {123.A21.538.95}

Purpose of Number System:

To generate numeric value.


There 4 following types of Number systems.

Binary Number System

Octal Number System

Decimal Number System

Hexadecimal Number System

1. Binary Number System:

The type of Number System consists of two possible digits.


            The word binary is derived from a Latin word that means ‘2’. This number contains two numbers (0 and 1) that why it is called a binary Number System.

Possible numbers-

0 and 1


            LSB stands for “Latest Significant Bit”

It always lies to the left side of Numeric Value.

Example:- 10111  Bold (1) is called LSB.


            MSB Stands for “ Most Significant Bit”

Example  0110111 first bold (1

is called LSB.

2. Octal Number System:


            The type of Number System which consist of 8 possible number is called the octal Number System.


            Latin Word which means 8. This system contains (0-7) and that’s why called Octal Number System.

            And this No. The system is used for human beings.

Base: 8


            LSB Stands for “Least Significant Bit”

It always lies on the left side of the numeric value.

Example: 750 and 222 Bold digits are called LSB.


            MSB Stands for “Most Significant Bit”

Example: 532 and 651 Bold digits are called MSB.

3. Decimal Number System:

    That Number System which consists of 10 possible Numbers is called Decimal Number System.


            Natural to Human Being.

Possible Numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

Base:- 10


Stand for “Latest Significant Bit”

It always lies to the left.

4. Hexadecimal Number System:

The type of Number System consists of a possible Number System.


Possible Number System:- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15.

Base:- 16 Because it contain 16 numbers.