
Software is a set of instructions.

Or        Which are non-touchable

Or        It is a bridge b/w user and system.


            Without a software computer system is nothing it is like a metallic circuit.



System Software


Application Software
1. System Software:
Set of Programs that facilitate the system.

Or That type of software that is designed to facilitate the system.

Or Set of programs that are designed for the system.

Or Without software computer system is nothing to do and it is just a piece of metal.

Types of System Software:

i. Translator:
    The type of system software that is essential to convert human-like language into binary language.

The translator is further classified into;
ii. Operating System:
    The software is which is specific to operating the whole system else.e.g.Windows, Mac, Android, etc.


It is designed to interact with the computer it acts as a bridge b/w the user and the system.

Features / Importance / Function / Characteristics:

  1. The operating system boots or start the computer system.
  2. Operating systems provide human-computer operation.
  3. Operating System Schedules the jobs
  4. Operating systems pass control from one program to the next.
  5. It controls job giving.
  6. It mange interrupt handling.
  7. Operating System control input and output operations
  8. It control programs execution ( running of the program)
  9. It loads programs and routines into the main memory for execution and processing.
  10. It manages data and file storage
  11. It stores retrieve, erases, and copy data files on the secondary storage device.
  12. It supports various files organization methods.
  13. It assigns different tasks to the CPU
  14. It provides security and control.
  15. It monitors faults and errors in a program
  16. It keeps detail of resources.
Types of Operating System:
Single User Operating System
Multi-User Operating System

a.    Single User Operating System:

This Operating system can run only one program at a time and is hence called a single user or single-task operating system. Example: DOS, and Windows

b.    Multi-User Operating system:

This type of operating system can run more than one program at a time, also called a multi-tasking Operating system.

e.g. UNIX, ZENIX, etc

iii.         Device Driver:

            This type of system software contains such types of programs that are necessary to drive hardware.

Example:         Device driver of the scanner,

                        The device driver of the Printer,

                        The device driver of the camera.

2. Application:

The type of software that is designed for the user is called application.

e.g. Ms.word, Ms.Exel, Ms.Power Point etc.